Interning at Peace Corps
Alex Fay
Internships with Resume Impact
A DC internship stands out on a West Coast resume. For UCLA students with interests in law, government, politics, foreign or domestic policy, international development, media, the arts, and more, Washington, DC is the place to be.
Endless Possibilities
Our nation’s capital is host to thousands of governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations; advocacy organizations; think tanks; professional and business lobbying and policy groups; media outlets; research firms; museums and archives, etc., many of which offer internship opportunities for undergraduates.
What do the internship courses fulfill?
All UCLA students enroll in two 4-unit UCLA courses for the internship:
- Political Science/History/Sociology M195DC (4 units, Pass/No Pass)
- Any departmental 195CE internship course (4 units, Letter Grade)
The internship fulfills requirements for Community Engagement and Social Change, Disability Studies and Labor and Workplace Studies .
The internship also fulfills one quarter of the Public Affairs Major’s Capstone Experiential Learning Series.
Possible Internship Locations
Click HERE to view the list of internships that are organized by major.
Guidance and Support Throughout the Search
Once you have been admitted to the QiW program, the second phase begins: internship placement. Staff, here and in our Washington, DC office, will support you through the process of identifying potential internships that are relevant to your research interests, preparing professional internship applications, interviewing effectively, and sorting through offers.
Explore Internship Search Resources
Students can use many resources listed below to find great internships.
- The UCLA Handshake system is where over 500 DC-based employers promote their internships to UCLA candidates.
- TraverseJobs is a Career Center subscription service that connects you to current internship and job listings in Washington, DC.
- Idealist.org is the major search site for Non-Profits and NGOs. Open the main page and use the drop-down menu to search over 5,000 organizations in the Metro DC region.
- Students can access a list of possible internship sites here.
Additional Resources
Brad Traverse Jobs (requires paid subscription)
DC Public Affairs + Communications Jobs
DevEx Global Development Job Board
Feminist Majority Foundation Job Board
Heritage Foundation Job Bank (requires registration)
National Trust for Historic Preservation Career Center
Tom Manatos Jobs (requires paid subscription)
Washington Information Directory (UCLA Campus Access Only)
WorkforCongress.com (requires paid subscription)