General Questions
Does the UCLA Quarter in Washington Program have a summer option?
No, our Quarter in Washington program is offered only during the fall, winter and spring quarters. The UCLA Career Center offers a “DC Summer Fellows” program, in cooperation with UCLA Summer Sessions and UCDC.
How long does a UCLA Quarter in Washington program last?
Fall and spring are 11 weeks; winter is 10 weeks. See Important Dates for start and end dates of upcoming quarters.
If I go to Washington for spring quarter, will I be back in time to participate in commencement ceremonies?
Yes. The spring program ends on the Saturday before UCLA’s finals week.
Application Questions
Does the letter of recommendation need to be from a UCLA professor?
We prefer the letter of recommendation to be from a professor at UCLA. If you are unable to get a letter of recommendation from a UCLA professor by the application due date, we will accept a letter from a professor from another school, an employer, etc.
Can freshmen and sophomores apply?
Students of every class level can apply for the program provided they meet the minimum criteria. Typically, juniors and seniors have greater focus and therefore have higher acceptance rate into the UCLA Quarter in Washington program.
I just transferred here from another college and I don’t know any UCLA professors to ask for a letter of recommendation. Can I get a letter of recommendation from a professor at my other college?
Yes. We would like a letter of recommendation from a professor who knows you and your writing. If you feel that a UCLA professor does not know you well enough to write a letter on your work, we will accept a letter from another professor, an employer, a volunteer or internship supervisor, etc.
How competitive is admittance to the program?
The program is committed to sending as many qualified students as space permits. Typically, approximately 40-50 students apply to the program each quarter; of those who apply, 30 students are accepted; all other qualified students are wait listed and admitted if space is available at the UC Washington Center.
Do I have to be a political science major to apply for the program?
No. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply to the UCLA Quarter in Washington program.
Is a minimum GPA required?
Yes, the minimum GPA required to apply is 3.0.
Academic Questions
How many units can I earn?
Students must enroll in the 3 required courses which total 12 units and can add an optional elective for a total of 16 upper division units.
What departments give credit for the program?
Several departments offer credit for either 195CE, M194DC, M195DC, and/or an elective. Some of these majors include Political Science, History, Sociology, Public Affairs, Chicana/Chicano Studies, International Area Studies, Global Studies, Anthropology, Community Engagement and Social Change, Disability Studies, Education and Social Transformation, Labor Studies, Gender Studies, Communication, Music Industry, and more. Please note, that some of these departments may require petitions for some or all of these courses.
For the most up to date information, please reach out to your major advisor.
Do other departments give credit?
Yes, upon petition, some UCLA departments and programs will grant credit for Political Science/History/Sociology M194DC, 195CE and/or an elective. Check with your undergraduate major and minor counselors.
When do we find out which electives will be offered for the quarter I am applying for?
Elective courses are not announced until the quarter before your quarter in Washington. When elective courses are announced, you will receive instructions for pre-enrolling in a course of your choice. Elective enrollment is finalized by UCLA’s regular study list deadline.
Financial Questions
Does financial aid offer support for a quarter in Washington?
If you are on financial aid, your aid will disburse as it always does. We work closely with the UCLA Financial Aid Office to make sure any differences in your cost of education for the quarter are taken into account. Please visit “The Cost of a Quarter in Washington” for more information.
Is there time aside from my internship and classes to hold a part-time job while in Washington, DC?
No, we require that students focus on their internships and research projects as these commitments will consume much of your time. However, a few students are able to find paid internships.